Mini-budget tightens fringe benefits, health rebates and more


The Government’s mid-year budget update was handed down in late October 2012.

The Treasurer revised down the expected Budget underlying cash surplus to $1.1 billion for 2012 – 2013 down from $1.5 billion estimated in the May 2012 Budget.

In the mini-budget update the Government announced the removal of the concessional treatment for in-house fringe benefits that are accessed through a salary sacrifice arrangement. The proposal will apply from 22 October 2012 to salary sacrifice arrangements entered into on or after 22 October 2012, and from 1 April 2014 for salary sacrifice arrangements entered into prior to 22 October 2012.

Changes to the Private Health Insurance Rebate were also announced. From April 2014, the premium to which the rebate is applied will move in line with the CPI or commercial premium increase, whichever is lower.

NOTE: These proposals, including many others, are subject to the formal enactment of legislation.  Please contact Brentnalls WA for further information.


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